Woodworks is a cross disciplinary workshop series initiated by NOBA inviting artists and researchers from the environmental humanities and natural sciences working with trees into conversation and sharing of work. The goal of the project is to initiate conversations and collaborations between artists and researchers at campus Ås and beyond.
Workshop leaders: Nora S. Vaage and Annike Flo
Participants: Hanan Benammar (artist), Anne Cecilie Lie (artist) , Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel (artist), Ursula Münster (Associate Professor and Director of the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, UiO), Lars Sandved Dalen (Senior Advisor, NIBIO), Mari Mette Tollefsrud (Research Scientist, NIBIO), Anne Eskild Nilsen (Senior engineer, NIBIO).
The first Woodworks workshop took place at Vitenparken, campus Ås on August 23, 2019. Here the foundations of the network were laid.
For the second Woodworks workshop, we took our conversations from the seminar room into the woods. This workshop, on 23-24 June 2020, involved a few indoor presentations, but was focused on interactions in the forests around campus Ås. Sharing of methods and perspectives was a central focus.
Special thanks to Lars Sandved Dalen and NIBIO for making the workshop series possible and Anwar Saab for joining and documenting the workshop in the woods on 23 June 2020.