Norvegan National Dish?
Norvegan National Dish was an event by the Center for Genomic Gastronomy during the annual food Festival SmakÅs 2021 on October 16.
The Center for Genomic Gastronomy is an international artist group that focuses their art practice on biodiversity of the human food systems. The center started their research on the National Dishes in 2016, and since then have conducted the research in France, Portugal, UAE, Poland & Norway.
During the food festival Smak Ås on October 16, the Center for Genomic Gastronomy presented the re-enactment of “The New National Dish of Norway” once initiated by the Minister of food and agriculture Sylvi Listhaug in 2014. This time, the Centre for Genomic Gastronomy is reviving the previous attempt of identifying the New Norwegian Dish with “The New Norvegan Dish” – testing how our meat inclined palates might embrace the vegan future.
During SmakÅs, the visitors were offered to fill out the questionnaire and participate in the research.
The Center for Genomic Gastronomy will share the final results of the research Norvegan National Dish as an installation at an exhibition at the Trondheim Art Museum in the spring of 2023.
NORSK: Norvegan Nasjonalrett er et prosjekt som utforsker: hvordan ville en nasjonalrett laget av bare planter dyrket i Norge smake? Til Smak Ås vil vi gjennskape fokusgruppene og avstemningene som daværende landbruksminister (Sylvi Listhaug) arrangerte i 2014 da hun foreslo at Norge skulle få en ny nasjonalrett. Bli med “The Center for Genomic Gastronomy” på Smak Ås for å smake, dele tankene dine og hjelpe oss med å utvikle en Norvegan nasjonalrett.